Saturday, September 25, 2010

God said let there be light:

Genesis 1:1 -3

Let us first establish that when this first day of creation was set into motion is not the same as when we understand time. When Elohim created the heaven and the earth, the first day is not the way you and I understand time because time as we understand time was created on the fourth day.
This creation was created outside of time in fact, in the Hebrew Bible in Gen 1:5 it says “Echad Yom” meaning “One Day”. In other words, it was not the first day, it was ONE DAY. Time as we understand it is a process of decay. It denotes a beginning and an end. Remember God Elohim, is not bound by time. This is a concept that we cannot understand because we are finite beings and we only have the ability to perceive that which is in time & space as we spoke about in the last article. This being said, we can TRY to IMAGINE what it would be like and this is an important concept that we will go over at a later date.

Gen 1:2, the scriptures describe what is the foundation for the building blocks of the earth, which was “without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep”. It is very much like how a thought is developed in our own mind. For example, “darkness was upon the face of the deep” empty thought, the lack of conscious thought, or a total neutral state of nothingness. Then the Spirit of God the (Ruach Elohim in Hebrew) moves across the face of the waters. Water is symbolic of consciousness, Ready to receive the light, which is Gods thought in action, a thought is conceived.

Gen 1:3, God said, “let there be light”. The Hebrew word used here is “owr”. This is not the same word used in Gen 1:14 when he said “let there be lights”. In Hebrew, the word is “maowr”. This is where we get our Modern Greek word for meteor: which means shining object that emits light as in the sun and the moon. When we look up the word “owr”, it means to be “to be illuminated to receive instruction”.

John 1:4, “In Him was life and the life was the Light of men,” this can be interpreted by seeing that the Hebrew word used “owr” meaning to be illuminated to receive instruction. When we understand this Light is torah, torah is the instructions of God the Word of God.

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